St. Longiunus, the Roman centurion who speared Christ with the Holy Lance, by Bernini, 1635
Papal coat-of-arms of Pope John XXIII on the portico floor, St. Peter's Basilica
Bronze panel from Filarete's door showing St. Paul sentenced by Nero
Monument to Pope Leo XI (1605) by Algardi, 1644
Altar of the Sacred Heart with a 1923 mosaic after Carlo Muccioli
Mosaic of St. Sebastian after a painting by Domenichino
Papal coat-of-arms of Pope Gregory XIII (1572-1585)
A list of all the Popes buried at St. Peter's since St. Peter
Monument to Pope Gregory XIII (1572-85) of Gregorian calendar fame
Chapel of St. Sebastian (Tomb of Pope Innocent XI) St. Peter's Basilica
St. Benedict (ca 480-547) founder of the Benedictines, by Antonio Montauti, 1735