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Huszákné Vigh Gabriella
Róma Közösségi Oldala vezetője
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Szeretettel köszöntelek a Róma Közösségi Oldal nyitólapján!
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Huszákné Vigh Gabriella
Róma Közösségi Oldala vezetője
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Szeretettel köszöntelek a Róma Közösségi Oldal nyitólapján!
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Huszákné Vigh Gabriella
Róma Közösségi Oldala vezetője
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Szeretettel köszöntelek a Róma Közösségi Oldal nyitólapján!
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Huszákné Vigh Gabriella
Róma Közösségi Oldala vezetője
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a múzeumok fórumban nagyon sok múzeum szerepel, a vatikáni múzeum olyan jelentős, hogy érdemes új fórumot indítani
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la Necropoli della Via Triumphalis
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Kedves Gabriella!
Hamarosan Rómába utazok és olvastam a neten, hogy magyar nyelvű idegenvezetést is lehet kérni a vatikáni nekropolisz látogatásához. Esetleg tudnál segíteni, hogy ezt hol lehet kérni?
Köszönöm, Kata
Huszákné Vigh Gabriella üzente 1 éve
Augustus császár kolosszális feje, Cortile della Pigna, Vatikáni Múzeumok.
A tudósok által megfogalmazott hipotézis szerint az eredetileg Nagy Sándor vonásait visszaadó gigantikus szobrot később Augustus császár vonásaira mintázták, és a római Augustus fórumán helyezték el.
L. Abbondanza, Il ritratto di Augusto del Cortile della Pigna. Un’ipotesi di lavoro, in L. Abbondanza, F. Coarelli, E. Lo Sardo (a cura di), Apoteosi, da uomini a dèi, catalogo della mostra, Roma 2014, pp. 132-144.
Profile image of Letizia AbbondanzaLetizia Abbondanza
A Cortile della Pigna 1 kolosszális feje, amelyet 1802-ben a Pio Clementino Múzeum szerzett a Mattei-gyűjteményből, Róma ókori történetének fontos dokumentuma a 16. századtól napjainkig. A tizenhatodik század végén Ciriaco Mattei (1545-1614) régiséggyűjteményének részévé vált, hogy a Villa Celimontana központi díszévé vált, építészeti elrendezésének első szakaszában, 1570 és Ciriaco halála között. 1614. október 20. 2. A fej antikvárium történetének pontos rekonstrukcióját 1993-ban adta ki Elisabeth Schröter 3 , aki több éves kutatást végzett a Recanati-i Antici Mattei Archívumban található Villa Celimontana régiséggyűjteményében. A kert történetéről és elrendezéséről fontos dokumentumok gazdag sora bukkant fel, de a portré pontos eredetére utaló nyomok nem akadtak 4 .
Huszákné Vigh Gabriella üzente 2 éve
Visit the Vatican Museums, take an exclusive look at the Vatican Library, and catch up with a review of the news and events from the Museums over the past year.
Inside the Vatican Museums | EWTN Vaticano Special
Huszákné Vigh Gabriella üzente 2 éve
With only your small tour group inside the Sistine Chapel, you can really enjoy quiet time gazing at the stunning art all around you. Michelangelo never seemed so close!
See rooms off-limits to regular Vatican tours
The Bramante Staircase
The Cabinet of the Masks
The Niccoline Chapel
As the crowds exit the Sistine Chapel at closing, your small group of max 15 people will enter the Sistine Chapel and spend some quality time alone there. It's a very special and unforgettable experience.
Huszákné Vigh Gabriella üzente 2 éve
Roman Treasures Hidden in the Vatican Museums
The Octagonal Courtyard of the Pio-Clementine Museum houses the oldest and most storied part of the Vatican’s vast collection of Roman art. A few of the pieces displayed here are famous. But most – including some of the most fascinating Roman artifacts in any museum – are unknown. This video calls attention to these overlooked treasures.
Huszákné Vigh Gabriella üzente 3 éve
6. Humanism and science in dialogue
Results of the interdisciplinary dialogue between the humanistic and scientific disciplines are notable. For example, a new LED lighting system able to match the spectrum of natural light was recently installed in the Sistine Chapel with amazing results. Visitors are now able to see the frescos in an entirely new light that enhances to the maximum the colors Michelangelo used.
Michelangelo’s brilliance rediscovered
The brilliance of those colors, as Biagetti had already intuited in the 1930s, was hidden under a coating of smoke. It completely came to light during the 1990s with the restoration undertaken under the direction of recently deceased Gianluigi Colalucci. “That restoration”, Francesca Persegati recalls, “changed our perception of Michelangelo. He emerged not as a grumpy, dark artist, but as bright painter who did not make use of the chiaroscuro technique for shading, but used color”.
Several areas of the fresco were not restored, thus leaving portions still covered by the film deposited over centuries clearly visible as evidence. Even the history of a masterpiece as it was seen over the various eras it has survived is a value to preserve and pass on.
Huszákné Vigh Gabriella üzente 3 éve
5. Prevention as conservation
“To conserve means to maintain each piece of art in good condition, without material intervention”, the Director of the Vatican Museums’ Conservator’s Office continues. “It is, therefore, fundamental, that conservation needs to be continual rather than sporadic and include utmost attention regarding the area in which art is conserved or exhibited”.
Over 6 million visitors cross the threshold of the Sistine Chapel each year. Constant observation of changes in air pressure produced by the presence of all these people, or changes to the environment such as humidity and temperature over the passage of time and seasons is essential. For example, “visitors produce carbon dioxide, water vapor, humidity, heat. These are all factors that are harmful to works of art that must live in a constantly stable environment”. The sensors record all the variations in the established parameters within the 10 thousand cubic meters of air in the Cappella Magna, thus allowing for the calculation of the number of people present at various times of the day through an algorithm used in connection with a system of thermal cameras. In this way, the amount of dust in the air as well as air speed, direction and pressure and other variables are measured. This network of sensors is accessible remotely at all times by those who work in the Conservator’s Office.
Best air in the Vatican Museums
The annual results of this monitoring is encouraging, Vittoria Cimino says. “Thanks to a new air conditioning and purification system that was designed and installed by Carrier technicians, by the Infrastructure Department and by the Services of the Governorate”, she adds, the air in the Sistine Chapel “is the best in the entire Vatican Museums”. “Annual inspection confirms a stable situation suitable for conservation. Our experience”, she continues, “leads us to affirm that, within a museum, various cultures need to be in contact with each other – human, historical, artistic, as well as technical and scientific. At the service of both Beauty and Faith is the experience obtained through science which assists the professionals’ trained eyes”.
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