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Huszákné Vigh Gabriella
Róma Közösségi Oldala vezetője

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Huszákné Vigh Gabriella
Róma Közösségi Oldala vezetője

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Szeretettel köszöntelek a Róma Közösségi Oldal nyitólapján!

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Huszákné Vigh Gabriella
Róma Közösségi Oldala vezetője

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Szeretettel köszöntelek a Róma Közösségi Oldal nyitólapján!

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Huszákné Vigh Gabriella
Róma Közösségi Oldala vezetője

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Kortárs művészet

Ezt a témát Huszákné Vigh Gabriella indította 10 éve

A régi műalkotások mellett érdekesek lehetnek a kortárs művészek alkotásai is...

Hozzászólások eddig: 9

Új hozzászólás

A hozzászólás hossza legfeljebb háromezer karakter lehet

Ez egy válasz üzenetére. mégsem


Huszákné Vigh Gabriella üzente 5 éve

2. A ravennai Dante-biennálén aranyérmet kapott 1994-ben a Pokol kapuja című munkájáért, de később elkészült hasonló formában a Purgatórium és a Paradicsom néhány éneke is. Most a rajzokra koncentráló tárlaton azért találunk Itáliába vezető plasztikákat, domborításokat is. A híres firenzei kápolnakapu egyik domborművével tiszteleg a nagy Ghiberti előtt, aztán ugyancsak rézből, „szoborképként” elkészíti Firenze szívét, az Arno felett átívelő Ponte Vecchiót. És ha már Itália, akkor felvonulnak a nagy olasz operák szereplői is. Itt van rézből az iszákos Falstaff, a bolond Rigoletto és Simon Boccanegra, a kalózvezérből lett genovai dózse.

És persze a nagy vígjátékíró, Goldoni is, a hunok királyának, Attilának szilaj képmása mellett. A falakon pedig ott vannak azok a jórészt 2005 és 2019 között készült rajzok, amelyek segítségével talán egy kicsit mi is elutazhatunk Itáliába. Mindenek előtt Firenzébe, a szoborkép mellett sokszor le is rajzolt hídhoz vagy a Santa Croce alá, az ugyancsak
a Szent Keresztről elnevezett térre. Sétálhatunk Dante szobráig a belváros szűk utcácskáiban, lepillanthatunk a Palazzo Vecchio, a Dóm, vagy a Palazzo Strozzi falaira, mielőtt elutaznánk Rómába.

Az örök városban különösen a Tevere hídjai fogták meg Madarassyt, de a „szikár”, javítás nélküli, lendületes ceruzarajzokon feltűnnek az Angyalvár, a Via Giulia vagy a Farnese palota jellegzetes vonalai is. Velence sem maradhat ki a maga csatornáival, de eljutunk olyan kevésbé ismert helyekre is, mint a szardíniai Alghero, Sassari vagy Porto Torres. Vagy Pármába és Busetto városába, ahol ugyancsak érdemes megállni és elidőzni egy keveset. Végül pedig az ötvös-szobrász éremművészetéből is ízelítőt kapunk.


Huszákné Vigh Gabriella üzente 5 éve

A tűzzel festő rajzolt Itáliája
Madarassy István plasztikáin az olasz operák szereplői is felvonulnak a Várnegyed Galériában
Sasadon él és dolgozik, ott is nőtt fel, de most az Itáliában készült rajzaiból nézhetünk meg egy szép csokorra valót a Kossuth-díjas Madarassy István ötvös-szobrásznak. Az Itália tájain című tárlat a Várnegyed Galériában tekinthető meg január 25-ig.


Az 1948-as születésű, egyedi formanyelvű művész 1968 és 1973 között végezte el az Iparművészeti Főiskolát, előtte pedig a Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum restaurátoraként szerzett jó alapokat. Ám a legtöbbet talán a szülői háztól, apja szobrászműhelyéből hozta magával, és építette be egyedi, kalapácsokkal, lángpisztolyokkal, lángvágókkal előállított szobraiba. Madarassy, aki „tűzzel fest”, így ismeri a szakma. Plasztikáihoz általában rézlemezt használ, amit különböző árnyalatúra hevít, amire rádolgoz, majd formákká forraszt. Az egyedi, különféle méretekben készülő plasztikák mellett szívesen műveli az alkalmazott művészeteket, keze alól kerültek ki például a megújult Pesti Vigadó pazar csillárai, de szakrális területen, templomi ötvösmunkák, gyertyatartók, tabernákulumok készítésében is otthon van. Belső tereket díszít és rendez, de tervezett már díszletet a Kolozsvári Magyar Operának is. És ahogyan az Itália tájain című tárlat is alátámasztja, Itália örök szerelmese, mint oly sokan mások a „kollégák” közül.


Huszákné Vigh Gabriella üzente 5 éve

2. Il primo progetto riguarda la completa ristrutturazione del quarto piano, la cui storia è un po' l'origine di tutti i mali del "serpentone". Sarebbe stato destinato a negozi, laboratori, spazi comuni. Fin dagli anni '80, invece, è stato occupato e riempito di alloggi costruiti abusivamente. Ora l'idea della Salimei, che dirigerà i lavori, prevede l'abbattimento di ciò che esiste e la ricostruzione di 103 nuovi appartamenti. Si partirà con i primi nove che verranno consegnati in 6 mesi. Ogni famiglia è stata incontrata, ed è stato predisposto un piano di turnazione dei nuclei residenti cui è stato assegnato un altro alloggio. Quindi nessuno sgombero, ma trasferimenti temporanei e concordati.
Poi il secondo progetto, 'Rigenerare Corviale', del Raggruppamento Temporaneo di Professionisti coordinato dall'architetta Laura Peretti. Il piano, che partirà entro l'anno, avrà l'obiettivo di modificare le aree comuni del corpo principale di Corviale per ottenere una migliore vivibilità. In particolare, si modificheranno gli ingressi dal piano strada portandoli dagli attuali 5 a 27 per rendere a misura d'uomo gli accessi all'edificio, verrà creata una nuova piazza e spazi pubblici su via Poggioverde, verranno risistemati i locali di via Ferrari destinandoli a laboratori artigiani e atelier artistici e saranno riqualificati gli spazi verdi.

"Voglio dare simbolicamente un abbraccio a tutti i cittadini che in questi 30 anni hanno perso la speranza", ha detto Zingaretti, "la vicenda di Corviale sembrava una storia chiusa in un groviglio non risolvibile, ma adesso si parte" . Ma che fine faranno gli abusivi? "Alcuni - ha spiegato Napoletano - non hanno i requisiti per una casa popolare, sono stati allontanati".

"Ce l'abbiamo fatta - spiega Salimei - Questo progetto è nato molto tempo fa, nel 2008, e ha avuto un periodo di blocco. Poi le cose si sono mosse proprio mentre iniziavo a collaborare alla sceneggiatura del film con la Cortellesi". "Negli anni Settanta - conclude - si costruivano grandi macchine dell'abitare anche contro il consumo di suolo. Mario Fiorentino aveva disegnato un'utopia urbana che si è scontrata poi con la realtà: pochi collegamenti, servizi che mancavano, disagi sociali. Il mio disegno, che ho chiamato" chilometro verde", una metafora che fa pensare a sostenibilità, rigenerazione e natura, ora riqualificherà il quarto piano con nuovi alloggi e spazi condivisi".


Huszákné Vigh Gabriella üzente 5 éve

Roma, a Corviale la riscossa della periferia
Con 22,7 milioni della Regione Lazio. Due interventi separati ridisegnano il famigerato Quarto piano e le aree comuni. Diventa realtà il progetto di Guendalina Salimei, sulla sua storia il film con Paola Cortellesi

Il calvario di Corviale, il "serpentone", il sogno collettivista dell'architettura degli anni Settanta, un unico edificio con dentro appartamenti e servizi in comune, diventato per gli abitanti un incubo, sta per finire. E come nelle favole il progetto di rigenerazione è firmato dall'architetta Guendalina Salimei, il personaggio interpretato da Paola Cortellesi nel film "Scusate se esisto", dove lei, indomabile, si batte per fare approvare il piano di rinascita, camuffandosi, per farlo passare da un capo maschilista, perfino nella segretaria di un fantomatico architetto. E così via ai lavori, che dureranno cinque anni, sul palazzo-quartiere del Portuense grazie a due progetti, coordinati da Ater, e finanziati dalla Regione da 22,7 milioni di euro. Il tutto presentato ieri nel cosiddetto "Mitreo" di Corviale dal governatore Nicola Zingaretti, con l'assessore alla Casa Massimiliano Valeriani, il commissario straordinario di Ater Roma Pasquale Basilicata, il dg Andrea Napoletano e il rettore di Roma Tre Luca Pietromarchi.


Huszákné Vigh Gabriella üzente 5 éve

2. And another with a message: "If you have no memory, you have no knowledge." More snakes--again, reflecting Corviale's nickname, "serpentone" (big snake).
Some of the art is clustered in and around a small stadium (which we missed on our first trip), including a whimsical tableaux by LAC 68, one of our favorite street artists. His "signature" is a white figure with a shopping cart (far right side).
LAC 68 also did this portrait of a woman. "Pupo" translates as kid; "geloso" as jealous. Looks like she's stroking a cat-like creature.
It was one of a number of depictions of women:

Including several by Pier the Rain, an artist unfamiliar to us:
On the level below the stadium, where there is a functioning business or two, we found the lovely "Corviale" mural that for the past few months has served as the cover photo for our romethesecondtime Facebook site:
And this piece, with some serious word content, perhaps referring to life at Corviale:

Our reality is tragic,
but it's only one fourth:
The rest is comedy.

One can laugh
at almost everything.
On the level above, the artist QWERTY has fashioned one of his well-known, playful--but also deadly serious--stick figures (left side). Shades of Guernica?
And a painted walkway.
With a police station close by:
Aside from the wall art, and while exploring Corviale and near-environs, we found a few objects of interest. One of them was a old rusted sign for an alimentari (a small foods store), an indication of what used to be and isn't any more. As far as we know, there is no commerce in or near Corviale.
And across the street from Corviale proper, we saw what appeared to be an abandoned social space:
Just beyond it, a short tunnel with words by Pier Paolo Pasolini, the Roman poet, novelist and film-maker known to have visited the city's public housing projects--though not this one. He was murdered in 1975, the year construction of Corviale began.

"Beauty can pass through the strangest streets."
Within a stone's throw, an upscale sports facility, likely not intended for the mostly downscale residents of Corviale, though the complex also harbors some wealthier folks.



Huszákné Vigh Gabriella üzente 5 éve

The New Corviale: Failed Public Housing AND Street Art Center
We've been drawn to and appalled by Corviale, the massive, kilometer long, 1970s housing project in the south of Rome, since we first saw the place more than a decade ago. It's still there, and it's still intimidating, especially for those who, like us, obviously don't live there and don't "belong." We're voyeurs, and we know it. On the sunny early June day we visited, we were once again in awe of the sheer size of the complex, as well as its sameness; we were once again taken aback at the exterior corridors that seemed to stretch into infinity; and we were surprised at how few people we saw--Corviale seemed empty.
If that were all there was to this world-famous housing project, we would be repeating ourselves and risking boring our readers. There's another side to today's Corviale: it's become one of Rome's premier sites for high-level wall art.

After parking the scooter in a near-vacant parking lot, we walked over to the structure. This is the first thing we saw:
Turning right, there's this work by the artist SFHIR, a minor piece but interesting for its message, as if all of Corviale's street art had been done illegally, under cover of darkness. We doubt it. There's too much art here, and much of it too large and complex, to have been completed without knowledge--and permission--of the authorities.
We found the mermaid below, the first of several works that combine wall art with poetry. We asked our Roman friend MV, a professional translator, to help us with the words, and we're glad we did, because almost every line is difficult.

Here's what MV came up with, starting from the top:

Open your shutters [serrande] there's something great to [see]
It stirs your mind, but not your senses/snake [the rhyme is mente (mind) serpente (serpent, or snake, a reference to Corviale, whose nickname is The Serpent)]
It welcomes you in her arms [or breasts [seno], or lap]
The 'hood' [periferia] is a state of [my] mind [MV adds, of course here the pun works much better in English; it's obviously referring to the mental clinic next door]
People pierced by splinters [schegge, misspelled here; MV adds that the word schegge is usually associated with wood, but the word trafitto is usually associated with spines/thorns]
It's been a prison [or, it is a prison state, or if the mermaid's tail covers the word "in," it could be "it did time in prison"]


Huszákné Vigh Gabriella üzente 5 éve

2. Corviale
The aim, therefore, is to eliminate as much as possible the alienating sameness of the homes that are crammed together in a single structure, developing “personalised” sectors that the inhabitants (more than 5,000 of them) can identify with. The project by Peretti & Co. eliminates the road at the feet of the phalanstery and creates a similar one further away from the building, with specific connectors to different sectors. A covered pedestrian walkway allows people to reach each of the 27 stairwells, whereas today there are only five entrances. Thus the obligatory use of the long corridors on each floor is eliminated.
At the centre of the Corviale a square will be created that will house shops, a cultural centre and various services. This new gathering space “breaks through” the façade to the back, towards the countryside, with a large entrance that bridges a six metre drop. There will be sculptures (solemn coloured horses) by Mimmo Paladino. In essence, also through their development of new interior and exterior lighting, StudioInsito tries to reduce the alienating effect of the site with more contained spaces, similar to those of free-standing residential buildings. For many years now Corviale has been the subject of several limited improvement projects: the new project tackles the renovation in a global way. Responding to the government’s call for proposals to allocate €500 million to the suburbs, the Municipality of Rome only asked for €2 million for the “Serpentone” – as it’s called by the locals – missing the chance to fund a decisive project.


Huszákné Vigh Gabriella üzente 5 éve

Perhaps the Corviale is at a turning point
The controversial mega-complex built in the 1970s on the outskirts of Rome will be renovated. StudioInsito designed the project, which won the competition

The Romans call it the Serpentone (the big snake) and they never liked it, ever since it was built in the 1970s (it was designed by a team coordinated by Mario Fiorentino). But now the Le Corbusier-inspired kilometre-long mega-complex, on via Portuense, could be at a turning point: the region of Lazio has set aside more than €7 million for its renovation, the first part of the €15 million that would be needed to complete the new organic restoration project.
The Roman studio of Laura Peretti, StudioInsito, won the international design competition organised by the Region and by Ater, beating out 44 participants from several different countries. The proposal to renovate the building is based on the principle of “creating difference in an undifferentiated area”.


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