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Huszákné Vigh Gabriella
Róma Közösségi Oldala vezetője
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Huszákné Vigh Gabriella
Róma Közösségi Oldala vezetője
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Huszákné Vigh Gabriella
Róma Közösségi Oldala vezetője
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Szeretettel köszöntelek a Róma Közösségi Oldal nyitólapján!
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Huszákné Vigh Gabriella
Róma Közösségi Oldala vezetője
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Ezt a témát Gyenge István indította 14 éve
Bizonyára sok mindenkit megragad a római utcák különös hangulata, mondhatnám bája. A belváros, vagy a Trastevere girbegurba utcácskáit járni maga is program lehet. Belesni ódon kapualjakba, nézni, ahogy egy kézműves mester dolgozgat utcára nyíló műhelyében, mind elragadó szórakozás.
Nos hát ilyen képeket várok ide, kedves Róma-rajongók.
Hozzászólások eddig: 981
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Huszákné Vigh Gabriella üzente 3 éve
Huszákné Vigh Gabriella üzente 3 éve
Huszákné Vigh Gabriella üzente 3 éve
Sant’Eligio degli Orefici. Via Giulia
Egy kicsit zűrös történet, de mint mindig érdekes. A templom elérése előtt alaposan meg kell nézni a Palazzo dei Ricci-t. Az eredetileg Montepulcianóból származó palota, az 1500-as évek közepére nyúlik vissza, a párhuzamos Via Monserratóval. Raffaello Maturino és Polidoro tanítványai monokróm módon díszítették. Most beszéljünk az egyházról, amelynek kezdeteiben kevés szerencséje volt. A homlokzat 1601-ben omlott össze, valószínűleg a Tiberis gyakori áradása miatt, előbb Flaminio Ponzio és Giovanni Maria Bonazzini, majd Raffaello rajzai nyomán, V. Pál parancsára gondoskodtak az újjáépítésről. Amint a címéből kiderül, az ötvös céhhez tartozik, amely 1960-ban gondoskodott a helyreállításáról. Az igazság nyilvántartása és szeretete érdekében az egyháznak jeles és tehetséges tervezői voltak, Raffaello, Bramante és még Sangallo, az ötvösök. nem voltak biztosan szegény kézművesek céhei. De az összeomlás árnyékot vetett ezekre a neves nevekre, így ma puszta tervezőként beszélünk róluk.
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Regola, Sant’Eligio degli Orefici. Via Giulia
Anche in questo caso abbiamo una storia travagliata, ma come sempre interessante. Prima di giungere alla chiesa si dovrà dare un doveroso sguardo al palazzo dei Ricci. Originari di Montepulciano, il palazzo, della metà del 1500, comunica con la parallela Via Monserrato. Fu decorato in monocromia dagli allievi di Raffaello Maturino e Polidoro. Ora parliamo della chiesa, ebbe poca fortuna ai suoi inizi. La facciata crollò nel 1601, forse a causa delle frequenti esondazioni del Tevere, Flaminio Ponzio prima e Giovanni Maria Bonazzini poi ne curarono la ricostruzione su ordine di Paolo V, seguendo i disegni di Raffaello. Come si evince dal suo titolo appartiene alla corporazione degli orefici, che hanno curato il suo restauro nel 1960. Per la cronaca ed amore della verità la chiesa ebbe illustri e valenti progettisti si parla di Raffaello, Bramante e persino del Sangallo, gli orefici non erano certo una corporazione di poveri artigiani. Ma il crollo fece calare l’ombra su questi nomi illustri, si che oggi si parla come di loro come semplici progettisti.
1. Pianta topografica del Maggi. Si vede Sant'Eligio e santa Maria dell'Orazione. Si nota anche alla sua destra il ponte che scavalca via Giulia partendo da palazzo Farnese
2. Una foto d'epoca del palazzo dei Ricci
3. Cupola di Sant'Eligio attribuita a Baldassarre Peruzzi
4. Interno di Sant'Eligio. Altare maggiore, abside decorato da Matteo da Lecce e Taddeo Zuccari
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Huszákné Vigh Gabriella üzente 3 éve
Ha szeretünk szűk, romantikus utcákon járni, akkor a Trevi kúthoz érdemes a Piazza Pilottáról nem a széles Viale della Pilottán haladni egyenesen, hanem kis kanyart vehetünk a Vicolo della Monticellire, s ugyanúgy ezen is kijutunk a Trevi kúthoz :)
Huszákné Vigh Gabriella üzente 3 éve
Sign of the times: Rome welcomes its first female traffic cop to work atop podium
Cristina Corbucci is the first female traffic controller to stand on the retractable podium in Rome’s famous Piazza Venezia
Huszákné Vigh Gabriella üzente 3 éve
2. To get the role, officers have to take lessons in gestures by the “maestro” Fabio Grillo, who has been up and down on the podium since 2004.
“It’s a wonderful job,” he said. “I mean look – we’re in the middle of this fantastic square which is a crossroads for Romans, tourists, everyone. You see everything.”
But while there is less traffic to conduct owing to the coronavirus restrictions, Grillo said it’s great to be back: “It’s as if some normality has returned,” he added.
Rome to ban horse-drawn carriages from city streets
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Cazzarolli and her husband, Romalo, were born in Rome. Both are in their 80s. “It gives us joy to see this and reminds me of how it used to be,” said Romalo.
Another onlooker, Micaela Battistoni, who was also born in Rome, said the novelty of the Piazza Venezia traffic cop never wears off. “It really is a classic institution in Rome, something that has always been there, and so the absence was strange. It’s even better now that there is also woman is doing the job.”
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Rome welcomes first woman traffic cop at landmark podium in Piazza Venezia
Romans greeted with joy the return of the traditional white-gloved traffic cop, who rises from a podium in Piazza Venezia to elegantly direct the vehicles coming from three directions around them. Now they’ve welcomed a break from the past after Cristina Corbucci, the first female traffic controller to stand on the platform, made her debut this week.
“I think it’s fantastic, and it’s about time,” said Giuliana Cazzarolli as she watched the officers switch shifts on Thursday. “I hope she’s well paid.”
Cazzarolli described the return of the fabled “vigili” (traffic officers), who are as much a symbol of the Italian capital as the Colosseum, as “a reminder of the beautiful times”.
The platform was first introduced in the late 1920s as a way to make the traffic controllers more visible while directing traffic on what is ordinarily a chaotic square.
At that time, the pedestal was made of wood and carried to the square by the officers at the start of their shift.
Nowadays, the podium rises up and down from the cobblestones at the flick of a switch. It was dormant for a year or so while nearby roadworks were carried out.
Often described as “orchestra directors”, the traffic officers were made famous by the 1960 film, Il Vigile, which starred Alberto Sordi as a hapless traffic cop who caused mayhem with his muddled hand signals. The podium also featured in a scene of Woody Allen’s To Rome With Love in 2012.
Today, about six or seven traffic cops take to the podium in shifts. Corbucci, 43, told Il Messaggero newspaper that the job now has “the female touch”.
“Up there you really feel as if you are in the centre-of-the-centre of Rome,” she said, adding that “the truly intelligent traffic light is this one”.
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