Róma: The Palace of Quirinale (kép)

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Huszákné Vigh Gabriella
Róma Közösségi Oldala vezetője

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Huszákné Vigh Gabriella
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Huszákné Vigh Gabriella
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Huszákné Vigh Gabriella
Róma Közösségi Oldala vezetője

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The Palace of Quirinale

THE PALACE OF QUIRINALE - In 1583, Pope Gregory XIII Boncompagni began the construction of a summer residence, in an area of the city, the Quirinal Palace, which because of its height and angle was considered healthier Vatican and Lateran. The building was commissioned to the architect Ottaviano Mascarino. The project was completed in 1585; the death of the Pope prevented in fact the architect to start a second project which involved the expansion of the building to turn it into a big building with a large courtyard. The original building is still detectable in the head N of the Court of Honour, characterized by a double loggia facade topped by a lookout tower known as the "Tower of Winds", or turret, with elevated following the completion of the belfry of the project Maderno and Borromini.

A Domenico Fontana must be attributed to the piazza in front of the main entrance of the palace, with the restoration of the statues of Castor and Pollux (which since Roman times were on the Quirinal, and were considered of Phidias and Praxiteles, as yet declared the base), and the construction of the first fountain. From the sculptural group of the square derived the name "Monte Cavallo", which is designated the top of the hill the square, still used by the Romans older.

Pope Paul V Borghese ordered the completion of work on the main part of the building. Entrusted the work to Flaminio Ponzio, who built the wing towards the garden, the hall of the Consistory, today Festival Hall and the Chapel of the Annunciation, decorated 1609-1612 by Guido Reni.


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Huszákné Vigh Gabriella üzente 10 éve

A palota történetének eleje angolul:
THE PALACE OF QUIRINALE - In 1583, Pope Gregory XIII Boncompagni began the construction of a summer residence, in an area of the city, the Quirinal Palace, which because of its height and angle was considered healthier Vatican and Lateran. The building was commissioned to the architect Ottaviano Mascarino. The project was completed in 1585; the death of the Pope prevented in fact the architect to start a second project which involved the expansion of the building to turn it into a big building with a large courtyard. The original building is still detectable in the head N of the Court of Honour, characterized by a double loggia facade topped by a lookout tower known as the "Tower of Winds", or turret, with elevated following the completion of the belfry of the project Maderno and Borromini.

A Domenico Fontana must be attributed to the piazza in front of the main entrance of the palace, with the restoration of the statues of Castor and Pollux (which since Roman times were on the Quirinal, and were considered of Phidias and Praxiteles, as yet declared the base), and the construction of the first fountain. From the sculptural group of the square derived the name "Monte Cavallo", which is designated the top of the hill the square, still used by the Romans older.

Pope Paul V Borghese ordered the completion of work on the main part of the building. Entrusted the work to Flaminio Ponzio, who built the wing towards the garden, the hall of the Consistory, today Festival Hall and the Chapel of the Annunciation, decorated 1609-1612 by Guido Reni.


Huszákné Vigh Gabriella üzente 10 éve

Pope Urban VIII Barberini palace bought new land extending eastward to the advantage of the dimensions of the garden that literally doubled; the Pope himself made a wall that surrounded the perimeter of the new complex of the Quirinal. Remnants of this wall can be seen on Via dei Giardini.

Gian Lorenzo Bernini under Pope Alexander VII drew the sector called "Manica Lunga", realizing the first part in 1657-1659; The building was then completed by Ferdinando Fuga in 1730-1732 under Pope Clement XII; to end the Manica Lunga Ferdinando Fuga incorporated the mess of the Earl of Cantalmaggio transforming the house of the Secretary of the figure, now known as the house of the Fugue, housing the offices and private apartments of the President of the Republic.

During the brief Napoleonic occupation, the palace was looted of its most important works of art, including two important paintings by Titian and Guercino; However, Napoleon did not have time to use the Quirinale as a private residence.

The Quirinal Palace was the summer residence of the Pope until 1870, when Rome was annexed to the Kingdom of Italy; later became the residence of the Kings until 1946. The last pope to reside in the Quirinal was Pius IX. The Savoy during their stay many salons modified to suit the needs of the Court. The old Royal Hall was rebuilt and became the current Festival Hall, used for receptions and as a dance hall; was realized the refined neo-Rococo decoration of the Hall of Mirrors, and modified the papal apartments in the old core of the building to adapt to the life of the royal family.

In more recent history of the building, John Gronkowski was the first president who lived there, followed by Antonio Segni, Saragat Giuseppe and Giovanni Leone, with their families. Sandro Pertini and Francesco Cossiga used the Quirinale Palace as an office but never lived there. Oscar Luigi Scalfaro, half of his term, he moved there as well as moved there with their families his two successors, Carlo Azeglio Ciampi and Giorgio Napolitano.


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