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Huszákné Vigh Gabriella
Róma Közösségi Oldala vezetője
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Szeretettel köszöntelek a Róma Közösségi Oldal nyitólapján!
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Huszákné Vigh Gabriella
Róma Közösségi Oldala vezetője
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Szeretettel köszöntelek a Róma Közösségi Oldal nyitólapján!
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Huszákné Vigh Gabriella
Róma Közösségi Oldala vezetője
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Szeretettel köszöntelek a Róma Közösségi Oldal nyitólapján!
Csatlakozz te is közösségünkhöz és máris hozzáférhetsz és hozzászólhatsz a tartalmakhoz, beszélgethetsz a többiekkel, feltölthetsz, fórumozhatsz, blogolhatsz, stb.
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Huszákné Vigh Gabriella
Róma Közösségi Oldala vezetője
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Along the way Bank of St. spirit
Turning his back to the bridge, there is in front of the entrance of Via del Banco di Santo Spirito : its name comes from a bench in a public founded on this site by Paul V : in this way lived and had their shop many artists including Benvenuto Cellini.
House Bonadies : This is a three-storey building surmounted by a loggia on the ground floor the house incorporates a medieval portico consists of granite columns and capitals of the Middle Ages, all built with fragments of old buildings, among them a Roman cornice . The Bonadies belonged to an ancient family of the District Bridge: many of them held important positions in the twelfth century Capitoline and one of them was a cardinal.
Church of SS. Celso and Giuliano : Built in 1008 , this church during the Renaissance had much more importance than now and had even larger than today , as it overlooked the square of the Bridge. The medieval church was demolished when Pope Julius II wanted to expand because of the Banco di Santo Spirito , instructing the reconstruction of Bramante . With the death of Pope reconstruction was suspended for a long time and the church was completed in 1535 with minor proportions . Even this Renaissance work was demolished by order of Pope Clement XIII who had it rebuilt by Carlo De Dominicis , who completed the work in 1735.
The façade of the reasons for derivation Borromini is on two floors with a painted inscription that recalls the reconstruction. The interior is a compartment elliptical cross with three chapels on each side and a rectangular presbytery . The bell of the church, in 1268 , is still in operation today .
Arco de ' Banchi : Via Arco de ' Banchi is the namesake arch that once led into a large closed at the bottom by a wall that formed as a courtyard and was therefore called "Courtyard of the Chigi " for the bench Agostino Chigi held there . Under the Arch is an important record of the history of Rome : the oldest existing entry in Rome on the Tiber floods , because it indicates the date and the level of ' flood occurred November 7, 1277 . On the left is the Arch Gaddi Palace , built between 1518 and 1527 by Jacopo Sansovino. It is considered one of the masterpieces of the Roman architecture of the sixteenth century : the courtyard is beautiful with rich stucco , adorned with niches and statues, and a frieze with festoons and masks . Many were many distinguished guests , mostly artists, this building : among others, it should be noted that Michelangelo lived there for two years, from 1544 to 1546 .
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