Róma: 2_Lungo via del Banco di S Spirito (kép)

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Huszákné Vigh Gabriella
Róma Közösségi Oldala vezetője

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Huszákné Vigh Gabriella
Róma Közösségi Oldala vezetője

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Huszákné Vigh Gabriella
Róma Közösségi Oldala vezetője

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Huszákné Vigh Gabriella
Róma Közösségi Oldala vezetője

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2_Lungo via del Banco di S Spirito

Along the way Bank of St. spirit

Turning his back to the bridge, there is in front of the entrance of Via del Banco di Santo Spirito : its name comes from a bench in a public founded on this site by Paul V : in this way lived and had their shop many artists including Benvenuto Cellini.
House Bonadies : This is a three-storey building surmounted by a loggia on the ground floor the house incorporates a medieval portico consists of granite columns and capitals of the Middle Ages, all built with fragments of old buildings, among them a Roman cornice . The Bonadies belonged to an ancient family of the District Bridge: many of them held important positions in the twelfth century Capitoline and one of them was a cardinal.

Church of SS. Celso and Giuliano : Built in 1008 , this church during the Renaissance had much more importance than now and had even larger than today , as it overlooked the square of the Bridge. The medieval church was demolished when Pope Julius II wanted to expand because of the Banco di Santo Spirito , instructing the reconstruction of Bramante . With the death of Pope reconstruction was suspended for a long time and the church was completed in 1535 with minor proportions . Even this Renaissance work was demolished by order of Pope Clement XIII who had it rebuilt by Carlo De Dominicis , who completed the work in 1735.

The façade of the reasons for derivation Borromini is on two floors with a painted inscription that recalls the reconstruction. The interior is a compartment elliptical cross with three chapels on each side and a rectangular presbytery . The bell of the church, in 1268 , is still in operation today .

Arco de ' Banchi : Via Arco de ' Banchi is the namesake arch that once led into a large closed at the bottom by a wall that formed as a courtyard and was therefore called "Courtyard of the Chigi " for the bench Agostino Chigi held there . Under the Arch is an important record of the history of Rome : the oldest existing entry in Rome on the Tiber floods , because it indicates the date and the level of ' flood occurred November 7, 1277 . On the left is the Arch Gaddi Palace , built between 1518 and 1527 by Jacopo Sansovino. It is considered one of the masterpieces of the Roman architecture of the sixteenth century : the courtyard is beautiful with rich stucco , adorned with niches and statues, and a frieze with festoons and masks . Many were many distinguished guests , mostly artists, this building : among others, it should be noted that Michelangelo lived there for two years, from 1544 to 1546 .


Látta 449 ember.




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Huszákné Vigh Gabriella üzente 10 éve

Roma Amor ismertető folytatás:
Even Palazzo Alberini Cicciaporci , practically in front of the Palazzo Gaddi , is one of the most interesting buildings of the Roman Renaissance : the austerity of its lines contrasts with the refinement of the other. The construction of ' building took place in two phases: the first , 1512-15 followed the work Bramante , very active in those years in Rome , which is generally attributed to the ground floor , while the second phase , 1515-19 saw the opera Giulio Romano , assisted by Pietro Giacomo Rosselli until 1521 and then by Giovan Francesco da Sangallo. The facade features a rusticated ground floor framing shops . Above the waistband marcapiano the main floor and the second floor , whose windows are elegantly simple but refined by including squaring , within a lovely courtyard with a fountain framed by a ' kiosk at the columns.

Largo Tassoni overlooking the old palace of the Mint , who later became the Banco di S. Spirit. It was built on an existing building at the behest of Julius II commissioned Bramante to adapt it to the seat of the Papal Mint . In 1605 Pope Paul V founded the Banco di S. Spirit in order to accept deposits and make loans , with the guarantee of substantial funds of the Hospital of St. Spirit : here you could store the values only for safety because the bank did not correspond interests , but people will gladly deposited their savings , knowing that he could withdraw at any time simply by presenting the receipt. The facade is attributed to Antonio da Sangallo the Younger, who created a work of great effect : slightly concave , has a central arch on top of which is placed the coat of arms of Paul V and the statues of Charity and Abundance of obvious allegorical meaning.


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